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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Few January Updates!

*Second Term grades as well as Mid Year Dibels results have been sent home! I have sent two copies of the grades. One to keep, and one to return with a parent signature! Please return these ASAP, so I know that parents have seen these documents! If you wish to discuss your students Second Term grades or Dibels Assessment, please call, come to the classroom, or e-mail myself or Mrs. Stewart! We are happy to discuss or answer any questions!
*Monday, January 20 is MLK Day! NO SCHOOL on this day!
*The School Spelling Bee will be held on January 23 at 1:00 in the gym! Please be prepared if you are involved in the spelling bee! Good Luck to all!
*There will be a PRO Assembly on Tuesday, January 21 at 2:00 to celebrate second term successes!
*The Booster Club has planned Valentine’s Day Parties for Friday, February 14!
*I have scheduled the next Book Report Assignment to be due on Friday, February 21! I would like to include this report on Third Term Grades! The format is the same as the first report using the question/answer sheet, and 5 items to represent the books, along with a drawing of the book cover! Students will present their book to the class!
*Attached is our January Book Order! If you are ordering, please make checks payable to scholastic and include your order forms, and payment in an envelope with your child’s name on the front! Book Orders are due Friday, January 24!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sixth Grade Power Point Presentation!

6th Grade Microbe Presentation
Due January 22

You Microbe power point must contain a minimum of 10 slides. The following slides are mandatory:

Slide 1:  Introduction  

Slide 2: What classification does it fall under?

Slide 3: Where does it grow? In water, human body, ect.

Slide 4: How does it travel? Is it contagious? Must it be eaten? Ect.

Last Slide: Information on where you got your information in this format
Web address, Title, Date you found it

Add other slides to complete the 10.

Save the presentation on a flash drive & email it to Mrs. Stewart
·       Absolutely no COPY & PASTING of paragraphs If you do you will receive only 25% credit
·       Pictures may be copied & pasted
·       You must write your information in your own words
·       You will present as the teacher
·       Make up questions about your presentation.  At the end of the presentation, the class will answer them.
·       Class members may need to take notes
·       If you have any questions please ask Mrs. Stewart

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January Newsletter!

Math: 5th: We have completed and taken the test on Topic 7: Dividing Decimals. I have compiled the scores from this topic and concluded that students will need a review and reteach in this topic. Moving the decimal in the division proved to be quite challenging. Once I feel the students have mastered this skill, we will move on to Topic 9: Adding and Subtracting Fractions. The lessons are as follows: equivalent fractions, fractions in simplest form, problem solving: writing to explain, estimating sums and differences of fractions, common multiples and least common multiple, finding common denominators, adding fractions with unlike denominators, subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, problem solving: draw a picture and write an equation.  
We have also been working very hard on Yearly Progress Pro, Math Facts in Flash, and Khan Academy! You can access ALL of these programs through our class blog or school web site! I have also given the students another Math Skills Test to assess growth and the SECOND Fifth Grade Block Test, which is an indicator for the End of Levels Test later in the year. We are working HARD and making PROGRESS!
        6th: We have completed and taken the test on Topic 9: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers. We are now working in Topic 11: Properties of Two Dimensional Figures. The lessons are as follows: Basic Geometric ideas, measuring and drawing angles, angle pairs, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, transformations and congruence, symmetry, problem solving: make a table and look for a pattern.
We have also been working very hard on Yearly Progress Pro, Math Facts in Flash, and Khan Academy! You can access ALL of these programs through our class blog or school web site! I have also given the students another Math Skills Test to assess growth and the SECOND Sixth Grade Block Test, which is an
indicator for the End of Levels Test later in the year. We are working HARD and making PROGRESS!
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given each week this month. Our bonus words will be chosen by: Jaycee 1/6, Sage 1/13, Phillip 1/21, Zachery 1/27, Gaige 2/3, and Kinsey 2/10. I am planning on putting the weekly words on the blog, so be watching for them so you can study for the tests at home!
*We have been studying for the upcoming class and school SPELLING BEE! I have already given the class spelling word lists and students have been studying for the class spelling bee with will take place on Jan. 9. We will choose 5 students from each class and 1 alternate. The top achieving students will then participate in the school spelling bee, which will be held on Jan. 23. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency and comprehension. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheets!
I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets. Parent Signatures earn 3 EXTRA CREDIT points!
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 summaries will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will continue work in our English Text. We are participating in practice work in Unit 3: Verbs. In addition, I have given both classes the BLOCK AND 1 AND 2 ASSESSMENTS IN THIS CONTENT AREA.
Writing: We will continue work on our Paragraph Of The Week assignments. We will discuss the writing process, and practice each of the 6 plus one traits. Fifth grade will work on Utah Write to prepare for the upcoming DWA!
We will be practicing how to organize a 5 paragraph essay.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year. I am also beginning an incentive for students to read several genres of books for this reading.
*Second Term will end Jan. 10! Make sure your student has ALL assignments turned in! Third Term begins Jan. 13!
*Keyboarding classes for 5/6 grade will begin Jan 6!
*There will be an Early Out Professional Development Day on Jan. 17!  
*Spotlight: We will spotlights for Akaydeh 1/16, Kinsey 1/17, Kyler 1/31, and Maddison 2/21!!  You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me poster to share with the class!
*News Assignments: Akaydeh 1/7, Calvin 1/14, Katelyn 1/28, and Gage 2/4.
 *There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Jan. 20 for MLK Day!
 *Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
*I will be continue to send home a printout of grades every two weeks to allow students to check for missing work and see how they are doing! Watch for grades coming home!
*Please watch for your child’s weekly behavior chart. These are half size sheets telling how your child’s behavior was during the week!
*Volunteer Schedule for Mrs. George’s Class!
*Please be aware that you MUST have a background check and badge to volunteer! Ask about these things at the school office.
*If there are any other parents interested in volunteering, please let me know! It is wonderful to have your help!

Monday: 8:15-8:45: Sharla Swapp
            8:45-9:45: Sharla Swapp
Tuesday: 8:15-8:45: Kaylee Acklin
            8:45-9:15: Open
Wednesday 8:15-8:45: Holly Williams
            8:45-9:15: Holly Williams
Thursday 8:15-8:45: Shelly Livingston
            8:45-9:15: Open
Friday: 8:15-8:45: Amber Rollins
            8:45-9:15: Julene Woolsey
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822
Thank you SO much for all the kind notes and gifts throughout the holidays! They were ALL WONDERFUL!

Notes From Mrs. Stewart:
*Please be working on Khan Academy.
6th grade
*Don't forget your bread micro organisms experiment is due on Jan 11.
 *We will also be doing a power point presentation on different micro organisms due at the end of the unit.
 *We are studying Ancient Rome in history, one of my favorite time periods to study.
5th grade
*In science we will finish up electricity and move on to magnetism.
*In history we are in the pre revolutionary war & revolutionary war, again one of my favorite subjects to study. I feel that this is an important subject for students, so I would encourage parents and other family members to engage in discussions with their children. 
*As always please talk to your children about the different subjects that they are learning because you are the best teacher your child can have.