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Monday, March 31, 2014

April Newsletter!

Math: 5th: We have completed and taken the tests on Topic 8: Numerical Expressions, Patterns, and Relationships, Topic 12: Volume of Solids, and Topic 13: Units of Measure. We will take the test on Topic 14: Data, during the first week of April. We will then have Topic 15: Classifying Plane Figures and Topic 16: Coordinate Geometry, which will complete ALL math topics for the year!
        6th: We have completed and taken the tests on Topic 15: Equations and Graphs, and Topic 12: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions, which was combined with Topic 13: Solving Proportions. We will take the test on Topic 14: Understanding Percent, during the first week of April. We will then have Topic 10 Integers, Topic 16: Measurement, and Topic 19 Data and Graphs, which will complete ALL math topics for the year!
Both classes will review all math topics using the final Fifth/Sixth Grade Math Block Tests, Yearly Progress Pro, Math Facts in Flash, and Khan Academy! You can access ALL of these programs through our class blog or school web site! In addition, the students have been working VERY hard on completing a math review journal that can be used as a study guide and reference for the concepts that have been taught this year! I hope this will be something useful for them to keep as a guide for the future!
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling lists will be given beginning the 2nd week in April. I am using the first week to review and take the Writing Portion of the SAGE Test, so we will NOT have spelling/vocabulary the first week of April! I will then continue to give a spelling list for each full week remaining in April. We have completed ALL vocabulary words for the year, so students will spend this time on review instead of new words.
 Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency and comprehension. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheets! There will NOT be a basal story for the first week of April due to the writing portion of the SAGE Test. We will resume basal reading the following week.
I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets. Parent Signatures earn 3 EXTRA CREDIT points!
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 summaries, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will continue work in our English Text. We have completed Unit 5: Punctuation and Capitalization.  We will work HEAVILY on language Arts during the month of April. I will also be reviewing and finishing up the Fifth/Sixth Grade Block Tests!
Writing: We will review and discuss the writing process, and practice each of the 6 plus one traits.
We will be reviewing how to organize a 5 paragraph essay.
We will take the Writing Portion of the SAGE Test!
6th grade will test April 1st and April 8.
5th Grade will test April 3rd and April 10.
ALL other subject tests will be taken after Spring Break. These last months are extremely important for students! Please make sure students are getting a good night’s rest, healthy breakfast, and having good attendance!
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year. I am also beginning an incentive for students to read several genres of books for this reading. The AR field trip is scheduled for Thursday May 22! There is still time to reach your goal!
*Spotlight: We will have a spotlight for Marcus on 4/23, Katelyn on 5/3, and Melody on 5/21!!  You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me poster to share with the class!
Spring break will be April 17, 18, and 21. NO school on these days!
*The fifth grade class field trip to Lehman’s Cave is scheduled for May 15.
*The sixth grade class field trip to Clark Planetarium is scheduled for April 29.
*If there are any other students who would like to help donate supplies to the class, we could use pencils, lined paper, copy paper, highlighters, and sticky notes. Supplies are appreciated, however, optional! Thanks to those who have donated!
 *Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
*I will be continue to send home a printout of grades every two weeks to allow students to check for missing work and see how they are doing! Watch for grades coming home!
*Please watch for your child’s weekly behavior chart. These are half size sheets telling how your child’s behavior was during the week!
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822
Notes From Mrs. Stewart:
*Please be working on Khan Academy. We are working toward a class goal of 2 million points for a pizza party!

5th grade History We are still studying the Revolutionary War we will be moving on to the Constitution. I would encourage all parents to talk to their students to have discussions about our Constitution.

5th Grade Science
We just finished our Heredity unit, we are now to start over with the Science curriculum, review everything to get ready for the Sage Test.

6th Grade History
We will be starting on the Renaissance & Reformation period. We will then start on Chinese history.

6th Grade Science
We are finish up our Solar System unit & starting on The Universe. I would encourage all students to spend some time at night looking at the stars & see if they can find some of the constellations.

For all Classes remember that the Science Fair is on April 16th. There project accounts for a significant part of their grade. If they don't do a project it will be a severe determent to their grade.

Also the Field trips are coming up. 6th Grade is going to the Clark Planetarium on April 29; The 5th grade is going to Lehman's Caves on May 15th. Look for parent volunteer sheets to come home with your child.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Recent Pictures!

Layers of the Sun: Sixth Grade Science!

 Zumba Time!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Monday, March 3, 2014

March Newsletter!

Math: 5th: We have completed and taken the test on Topic 11: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers. We are now working in Topic 8: Numerical Expressions, Patterns, and Relationships. The lessons are as follows: Using variables to write expressions, Order of Operations, Simplifying expressions, Evaluation expressions, Addition and subtraction expressions, Multiplication and division expressions, Patterns: extending tables, Variables and expressions, and Problem solving: Act it out and use reasoning.
We have also been working very hard on Yearly Progress Pro, Math Facts in Flash, and Khan Academy! You can access ALL of these programs through our class blog or school web site! I have also given the students the Block 3 Math Test to check for understanding of skills. Block 4 Test will be given next.
        6th: We have completed and taken the test on Topic 17: Perimeter and Area, which I am combining with Topic 18: Volume and Surface Area: We have also completed and taken the test on Topic 2: Variables, Expressions, and Properties and Topic 4: Solving Equations. We are now working in Topic 15: Equations and Graphs. The lessons are as follows: Equations with more than one operation, Patterns and equations, More patterns and equations, Graphing equations, Graphing equations with more than one operation, Understanding inequalities, and Problem solving: act it out and use reasoning.
We have also been working very hard on Yearly Progress Pro, Math Facts in Flash, and Khan Academy! You can access ALL of these programs through our class blog or school web site! In addition, I have given the students the Block 3 Math Test to check for understanding of skills. Block 4 Test will be given next.
 We are working HARD and making PROGRESS!
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given each FULL week this month. Our bonus words will be chosen by: Maddison 3/3, Mya 3/10, Makaysha 3/24 Madysen 2/31, I am planning on putting the weekly words on the blog, so be watching for them so you can study for the tests at home!
Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency and comprehension. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheets!
I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets. Parent Signatures earn 3 EXTRA CREDIT points!
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 summaries, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will continue work in our English Text. We have completed Unit 4: Adjectives and Adverbs and are now working in Unit 5:Punctuation and Capitalization. In addition, I have given both classes the BLOCK AND 1 AND 2 ASSESSMENTS IN THIS CONTENT AREA. I am preparing to give the Block 3 and 4 Tests soon!
Writing: We will continue work on our Paragraph Of The Week assignments. We will discuss the writing process, and practice each of the 6 plus one traits.
We will be practicing how to organize a 5 paragraph essay.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year. I am also beginning an incentive for students to read several genres of books for this reading.
*Spotlight: We will have a spotlight for Marcus on 4/23!!  You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me poster to share with the class!
*News Assignments: Mya 3/4, and Maddison 3/11, and James 3/18.
*There will be an early out Professional Development day on March 7.
*Third quarter ends March 20th! There will be a day between the quarters on March 21. NO SCHOOL on this day!
*I have attached the March Book Order! If you are ordering, please send a check payable to Scholastic, and your order form in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front by Friday March 7!!
*If there are any other students who would like to help donate supplies to the class, we could use pencils, lined paper, copy paper, highlighters, and sticky notes. Supplies are appreciated, however, optional! Thanks to those who have donated!
 *Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
*I will be continue to send home a printout of grades every two weeks to allow students to check for missing work and see how they are doing! Watch for grades coming home!
*Please watch for your child’s weekly behavior chart. These are half size sheets telling how your child’s behavior was during the week!
*Volunteer Schedule for Mrs. George’s Class!
*Please be aware that you MUST have a background check and badge to volunteer! Ask about these things at the school office.
*If there are any other parents interested in volunteering, please let me know! It is wonderful to have your help!
Monday: 8:15-8:45: Sharla Swapp
            8:45-9:45: Sharla Swapp
Tuesday: 8:15-8:45: Kaylee Acklin
            8:45-9:15: Open
Wednesday 8:15-8:45: Holly Williams
            8:45-9:15: Holly Williams
Thursday 8:15-8:45: Shelly Livingston
            8:45-9:15: Open
Friday: 8:15-8:45: Amber Rollins
            8:45-9:15: Julene Woolsey
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822

Notes From Mrs. Stewart:
*Please be working on Khan Academy.
6th grade
*We are studying the Byzantium Empire and the Dark Ages in history.
*We will be working on Earth’s seasons and the moon in science. Please fill out your MOON CALENDAR!
5th grade
*In history we are working studying the Revolutionary War.

*In science we are learning about Heredity.

*As always please talk to your children about the different subjects that they are learning because you are the best teacher your child can have.


*Thank you for supporting you student during SEPs! We were able to meet with each of you and discuss progress and needs of your AMAZING students! To reward students with a job well done and commitment to hard work finishing missing assignments and showing responsibility for their work, we would like to schedule a read a thon for the end of the quarter. Students with ZERO missing assignments will participate in the read a thon! We will provide more information as the term comes to a close!