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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Newsletter

Math:  Students have completed and taken tests on Topic 6: Decimals and Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Topic 7: Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers, and Topic 8: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers. This month Mr. Barnes will focus on Topic 9: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Topic 10: Integers, and Topic 11: Properties of Two Dimensional Figures. He will also be working on Math Fact All Stars and the Math Skill Tests to check for student growth.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. We will correct ALL spelling work in class on Thursday, so students need to be prepared with the assignment done! I will make an adjustment for the holiday break. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site (connect ed)! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basal and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story have a parent sign on their reading record.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their planner sheet.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.   
Writing: We will practice the writing process, the six +1 traits of writing, and language arts will be integrated into this subject. We will also continue to practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We are working on Christmas stories for the county newspaper and an essay writing contest! In addition, I plan to begin teaching argumentative
 writing as soon as these two previous assignments have been completed.  
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term!
*On Dec. 3, the students will be watching Sherlock Holmes at Milford High school.
*Dec. 9-11 the Booster Club will be doing a Santa’s Workshop from 3-5.
*We will be practicing our parts and songs for the Christmas program ALL month!
*We will have a character ed assembly on Dec. 17.
*The school Christmas Program is on Dec. 21! There will be a matinee performance at 1:00 and a night performance at 7:15. Best school dress is appropriate for 6th graders to wear unless your part calls for a specific costume.
*Winter holiday will be Dec. 24 – Jan. 1. School will resume Monday Jan. 4.
*Just a heads up that 2nd term will end Jan. 15. Students will need 15 AR points by the end of the term for a total of 30 points! Keep READING and keep up on ALL assignments!
*Spotlight: Weston W. 12/13, Makenna Y. 12/23 
*Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: Caring and Kindness      Phone: 386-2822

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Winning Red Ribbon Week Door!

Listen to your Mummy . . . . .
Don't get Wrapped Up in Drugs!

Expository Writing Graphic Organizers!

Students worked together in groups to jot down important main ideas in text using this web.

Students took the information from their webs and placed it into a Four Square. These graphic organizers allowed students to create a layout of what their essay would look like, main ideas and details that would be discussed, elaboration, transitions, text evidence, and an introduction and conclusion to their writing. Students used these Four Squares to produce their final essays! GREAT job 6th grade!

Fall Poems!!

The students spent time writing and illustrating poems about fall! They did a wonderful job using vivid language and adjectives to describe some of their favorite things about the season!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Math:  Mr. Barnes has completed and given tests on Topic 4: Solving Equations and Topic 5: Number and Fraction Concepts. This month he will focus on Topic 6: Decimals, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers, Topic 7:Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers, and Topic 8: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. We will correct ALL spelling work in class on Thursday, so students need to be prepared with the assignment done! I will make an adjustment for Thanksgiving Break. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site (connect ed)! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basal and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheet.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their planner sheet.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.   
Writing: We will practice the writing process, the six +1 traits of writing, and language arts will be integrated into this subject. We will also continue to practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We are writing expository essays in class.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term!
*Nov. 2-6 is our school BOOK FAIR!
*Nov. 3 is our Grandparents Lunch! Please make sure the office knows if you are eating with a grandparent or family member. The lunch room needs and accurate lunch count for that day!
*SEP Conferences will be held Nov. 4. Please come at your assigned time to Mr. Barnes room. You will be talking with BOTH TEACHERS during your SEP meeting!
*Nov. 5 is Picture Retake day!
*We will have our First Term PRO Assembly on Nov. 5 at 2:15!
*6th Grade will participate in a 4-H presentation on Nov. 12.  
*Nov. 13 will be an early out day at 12:30!
*We will attend The Wizard of Oz play on Nov. 17 at BHS.
*Thanksgiving Holiday will be Nov. 25, 26, and 27! NOV SCHOOL on these days!
*Spotlight: Caleb B. 11/11, Rudy C. 11/13, Alexa Walker 11/13, Teigyn F. 11/27, 
*Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: Self Discipline
*Book Orders this month are due Wednesday Nov. 11. If you would like to order online, please enter the following code:
Lots of GREAT Holiday books to choose from!
If you order using a check, please send your order form and payment to school in a sealed envelope with your student’s name on the front!      Phone: 386-2822

Thursday, October 8, 2015

October Newsletter

Math:  Mr. Barnes has completed and given test for the following math topics. Topic 1: Numeration, Topic 2: Variables, Expressions, and Properties, and Topic 3: Operations with Decimals. This month he will focus on Topic 4: Solving Equations and Topic 5: Number and Fraction Concepts
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. We will correct ALL spelling work in class on Thursday, so students need to be prepared with the assignment done! I will make an adjustment for Harvest Break. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheet.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their planner sheet.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will test on Unit 1: Usage and Mechanics: Sentences and begin Unit 2: Grammar: Nouns.  
Writing: We will practice the writing process, and six +1 traits of writing. We will also continue to practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We are writing expository essays in class. We will also do some poetry this month!      Phone: 386-2822
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term!
*Oct. 1 is school vision screenings.
*Oct. 7 is School Picture Day!
*We will have a Ballet West assembly on Oct. 7.
*Fall Vacation will be Oct. 19, 20, and 21! Enjoy the HUNT!
*Red Ribbon Week is scheduled for Oct. 26-30. More information will be coming!
*First Quarter will end Oct. 29. Grades will be sent home shortly after this date.
*We will have a character ed assembly on Oct. 29.
*We will celebrate Halloween on Thursday Oct. 29. More information will be coming!
*There will be a Day Between the Quarters on Oct. 30. NO School for students on this day.
*Spotlight: Paige J. 10/13
*Just a reminder about the Chrome Books: Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case with charger to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: Responsibility
*Book Orders this month are due Friday Oct. 9! If you would like to order online, please enter the following code:

If you order using a check, please send your order form and payment to school in a sealed envelope with your student’s name on the front!

Friday, August 28, 2015

September Newsletter

Math:  Mr. Barnes is working in Topic 1: Numeration.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. This is also the day that ALL spelling practice work MUST be turned in for full credit! I will make an adjustment for Labor Day. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basal and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheet.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their planner sheet. Parent signatures earn 3 extra credit points!
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will be working on Unit 1: The Sentence.
Writing: We will practice the writing process, and six +1 traits of writing. We will also practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We will preview the three types of essays required for sixth grade: Expository, Argumentative, and Narrative. We will be taking a writing Pre Assessment this month.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term! Points will be awarded for reading in the TEST section of the reading grade!
*Please make sure to return all school paperwork with signatures!
*MES will be doing the Tiger Paw Quest this year! More information will be coming as this gets under way!
*There will be a MES pep rally on Sep. 1 at 2:15.
*Hearing screenings will be Sept 3.
*Internet Safety Assembly will be Sept. 3.
 *There will be NO School Sept. 7 for Labor Day!
*Spotlight: Brandon 8/27, Cole 9/5, Spencer 9/12, Jossie 9/12, Statler 9/12, and Paige H. 9/23. Please complete a 5 slide presentation on yourself to share with the class. You may also bring treats on the day we celebrate you! This is optional!
*Chrome books are being administered. Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case
 CHARGED to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: Respect
*I have attached the first newsletter! If you would like to order books, please send a check payable to scholastic along with your student’s order in an envelope to school. Book orders are due by Friday Sept. 4!      Phone: 386-2822

Here is a link to the presentation I did at Back To School Night if you need to access it!

Back to School Presentation