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Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Art and Writing!

The 6th grade students have been working on a winter silhouette art and a fun Christmas writing project that was featured in our community newspaper! The students showed great effort and creativity to get this writing published! A special thanks goes to Mrs. Miller for taking the time to review, edit, and publish the narrative! Well done everyone!

January Newsletter

Math:  Students have completed and taken tests on Topic 9: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Topic 10: Integers, and Topic 11: Properties of Two Dimensional Figures. He will also be working on Math Fact All Stars, Aleks Math, and the Math Skill Tests to check for student growth.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. We will correct ALL spelling work in class on Thursday, so students need to be prepared with the assignment done! I will make an adjustment for the MLK Day. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site (connect ed)! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basal and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story and have a parent sign on their reading record.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their reading record sheet.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.   
Writing: We will practice the writing process, the six +1 traits of writing, and language arts will be integrated into this subject. We will also continue to practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We are currently working on argumentative writing.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term! Points for reading are entered into the students reading grade for that term! They need to be reading!
*MLK Day is Jan. 18. NO SCHOOL on this day!
* 2nd term will end Jan. 15. Students will need 15 AR points by the end of the term for a total of 30 points! Keep READING and keep up on ALL assignments!
*The 2nd term PRO Assembly is Jan. 21 at 2:15!
*There will be a Character Ed Assembly on Jan. 28!
*The school Spelling Bee will be Feb. 3. We will be having a class spelling bee earlier this month to determine our class’s TOP spellers! Good Luck to all! More information and a spelling bee list will be coming soon!
*Spotlight: George Group: Devon W. 1/8, Kason F. 1/15, Jase W. 1/14, Christian Rangel 1/27
                   Barnes Group: Blake Barnes 1/6, Jaleana T. 1/7, Conner M. 1/8, Ryker C. 1/16, Nicholas M. 1/21   
*Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: Caring and Kindness      Phone: 386-2822
Miranda Williams: