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Sunday, November 30, 2014

December Newsletter

Math: 5th:  This month we will begin our Math Review Journals! These will be a valuable tool when studying for the end of year tests! Students will also continue working on passing off math facts for Math All Star Awards during intervention time! In addition we will take the 5/6 Grade Math Skills test again to check for student growth. Students are also working in our new online program called Aleks Math. Fifth Grade has completed and taken the test on Topic 5: Dividing by 2-Digit Divisors. We will test on Topic 7: Dividing Decimals, and then begin study on Topic 9: Adding and Subtracting Fractions, and Topic 10: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers.
        6th:  This month we will begin our Math Review Journals! These will be a valuable tool when studying for the end of year tests! Students will also continue working on passing off math facts for Math All Star Awards during intervention time! In addition we will take the 5/6 Grade Math Skills test again to check for student growth. Students are also working in our new online program called Aleks Math. Sixth Grade has completed and taken tests on Topic 8: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers and Topic 9: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers We will now study Topic 11: Properties of Two-Dimensional Figures, and Topic 17: Perimeter and Area
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL this month. I will make an adjustment for our Holiday Break. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. This is also the day that ALL spelling practice work MUST be turned in for full credit! Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOLTO HOME section on their Wonders Web site! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome
 Book home to reread the story and write a summary on their planner sheet.  Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheet. Parent signatures earn 3 extra credit points!
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 summaries, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will complete Unit 3: Verbs and begin Unit 4: Modifiers
Writing: We will continue to practice the writing process, and six +1 traits of writing. We will continue working on expository writing in the afternoon. We will also continue to practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. Second Quarter will focus on Persuasive Writing and Argumentative Writing Essays. We have begun work in the new Utah Compose writing program! It is an excellent way to prepare students for writing assessment!
*Interim Sage testing will be going on during the FIRST week in December! I would like to encourage you to make sure your student has good attendance this week!
*There will be a Ronald McDonald Assembly Dec. 4 at 9:45
*The school Christmas program will be Dec. 22. There will be a 1:30 matinee and a night performance at 7:15. Please make sure if you have a 6th grader that they have their part memorized! We will also be using most of the 6th grade girls in a dance with the 5th graders! It will be GREAT!
*We will begin a new typing session Jan. 5
*School will dismiss on Dec. 23 at 12:30 for our Holiday Break! School will resume on Jan. 5.
*Student Book Reports will be due Jan. 14.
*The end of second quarter will be Jan 16.
* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.
*Spotlight: We will spotlight Nevaeh, and Tyler this month! You may send a class snack on the day we spotlight your child (optional). I will send home all the necessary materials needed for this activity when it is your student’s turn.
*Chrome books are becoming more and more useful! Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case with charger to school EVERY day! Students will be charges in Cub Cash for Chrome books that have been forgotten at home or not charged the night before.
*The Character Education Trait for the month of December is Self-Discipline.
*News assignments for this month are as follows: Ethan V. Dec. 2, Alexa W. Dec. 9, Jase W. Dec. 16, and Brynley W. Jan. 13.
*Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
*Please watch for your child’s weekly behavior chart. These are half size sheets telling how your child’s behavior was during the week!
*Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all parent volunteers who have come and helped in the classroom so far! It is so wonderful to see you in class! We appreciate it SO much! The Halloween Party Last Month was AWESOME! Thank you for helping to create amazing memories for these kids!
 *We appreciate ALL the wonderful donations of school supplies so far! If you are still planning on donating, please send your donation of pencils, cap erasers, lined paper, glue, notebooks, highlighters, sticky notes, or composition notebooks to school! THANK YOU FOR HELPING OUR CLASS!      Phone: 386-2822

Volunteer Schedule:
Tuesday: Chelsie H. (morning)
Wednesday: Annie H. (morning)
Thursday: Angie H. (afternoon)
Friday: Haylee B. (morning)
Nisha S. (when available)
Codie D., Amber R., Tiffany M., Kylee B. (when available)

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