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Thursday, October 6, 2016

October Newsletter

Math:  Mr. Barnes is using the Envision Math Program as well as the Aleks Math program to teach math topics. Students are also working on becoming Math Fact All Stars! In addition, the Math Skill Test is given periodically to check for student growth.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given for each FULL week this month. Spelling Tests will usually be every Friday. We will correct ALL spelling work in class on Thursday, so students need to be prepared with the assignment done! I will make an adjustment for Harvest Holiday. Students have access to their spelling lists located in the SCHOOL TO HOME section on their Wonders Web site (connect ed)! They need to be STUDYING THE WORDS BEFORE FRIDAY TESTS!
Reading: We will be reading the basal and working on fluency, comprehension, and text analysis. Remember that each Wednesday is BASAL HOMEWORK NIGHT! Students need to bring their basal/Chrome Book home to reread the story. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a parent signature on their planner sheet.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 parent signatures, turned in ON TIME, will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.   
Writing: We will practice the writing process, the six +1 traits of writing, and language arts will be integrated into this subject. We will practice the Four Square Method of organizing writing. We will be writing an expository essay.
Language Arts: We will be using the online program IXL to practice Language Arts Skills. Students will receive certificates for completing and mastering language arts concepts using this program.
Science And Social Studies: Mr. Barnes will be teaching science topics and Mrs. George will be teaching Social Studies. The focus for Social studies this month is ancient Egypt.  

* Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year.  To meet this goal, students must read a total of 15 points per term!
*Vision screenings will be held Oct. 5.
*School pictures and picture day will be held Oct. 11.
*There will be NO school October 21, 24, 25, and 26 for our Day Between the Quarters and Harvest Holiday.
*First term ends October 20! Look for grades coming home as this date becomes closer!
*There will be a Character Assembly on Oct. 20.
*Our first class read-a-thon is scheduled for Friday Oct. 28, pending missing assignments. This will be a flashlight read-a-thon. Students may bring a pillow, blanket, snacks, and a flashlight to read. NO colored drinks please!
*Grandparents Day and the school Book Fair will be on Oct. 28. 
*Red Ribbon Week is tentatively scheduled for the week of Oct. 31.
*We will celebrate Halloween on Oct. 31. Room mothers will be contacted for our class party soon!
*SEPs will be Tuesday Nov. 1. A date and time for your appointment will be sent home when this date becomes closer.
*There will be a , "Say NO to drugs" assembly on Nov. 3 at 1:30. 
*Spotlight: Presley W. 10/6, Brenda M. 10/10 (I will send home more information when it is your student’s turn to be spotlighted in class!)
*Please take great care in handling and charging the Chrome book each night and remembering to bring the Chrome book in its case to school EVERY day!
*The Character Trait this month is: RESPONSIBILITY
*Book Orders this month are due Friday Oct. 7. If you would like to order online, please enter the following code: HCFMF
If you order using a check, please send your order form and payment to school in a sealed envelope with your student’s name on the front!      Phone: 386-2822

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