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Thursday, August 29, 2013

September Newsletter

Math: 5th: We have done a review and a test on our first topic: Place Value. This month we will focus on Topic 2: Adding and Subtracting Decimals. The lessons include: Decimals with mental math, rounding whole numbers and decimals, estimating sums and differences, modeling addition and subtraction of decimals, problem solving, adding decimals, subtracting decimals, multiple=step problems
        6th: We review and test on our first topic: Place Value. This month we will focus on Topic 3: Topic 2 is an algebra topic, which I plan on teaching at a later date.
Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling and vocabulary lists will be given each week this month. Our bonus words will be chosen by: Maddison 9/3, Mya 9/9, Makaysha 9/16, __________ 9/23, and ____________ 10/1
Reading: We will be reading the basals and working on fluency and comprehension. I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets.
*Each week, students who complete their reading with 5 summaries will receive 1 Read to Ride ticket for the end of the year bike drawing.  
Language Arts: We will continue work in our English text. We will learn about compound subjects, compound predicates, writing good sentences, compound sentences, conjunctions, complex sentences, and fragments and run-ons. We will review and take the first unit test.  
Writing: We will continue work on our Paragraph Of The Week assignment. We will discuss the writing process, and practice each of the 6 plus one traits.
We will be practicing how to organize a 5 paragraph essay also.
*On the lines provided, I have written your students beginning Dibels and DRA scores!
DRA Level:____________________________
Dibels: _______________________________
*I have made my decision regarding AR points. Students are expected to earn 60 AR points throughout the course of this year. I am also beginning an incentive for students to read several genres of books for this reading.
*Labor Day is Sept. 2. NO School on this day!
Spotlight: We will spotlight Mya 9/12, and Zachary 9/25. You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me Graphic Organizer to share with the class!
News Assignments: Kinsey 9/10, Gaige 9/24, Zachery 10/1
*We will have a Netsafe Assembly on Sept 10 at 9:00.
*There will be a fifth grade hearing screening on Sept. 19.
*Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
*I will be sending home our first printout of grades following the first math tests! Be watching for this, so you can see how your child is doing!
*Please watch for your child’s weekly behavior chart. These are half size blue sheets telling how your child’s behavior was during the week!
*Volunteer Schedule for Mrs. George’s Class!
*Please be aware that you MUST have a background check and badge to volunteer! Ask about these things at the school office.
*If there are any other parents interested in volunteering, please let me know! It is wonderful to have your help!

Monday: 8:15-8:45: Sharla Swapp
            8:45-9:45: Sharla Swapp
Tuesday: 8:15-8:45: Kaylee Acklin
            8:45-9:15: Open
Wednesday 8:15-8:45: Holly Williams
            8:45-9:15: Holly Williams
Thursday 8:15-8:45: Shelly Livingston
            8:45-9:15: Open
Friday: 8:15-8:45: Amber Rollins
            8:45-9:15: Julene Woolsey

*Things are rolling right along! Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822

  *Please ask to see your student's math assignments! I am finding several who are missing problems that could be corrected simply by having the student check their work with someone before we grade the assignment!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Few Updates!

A Few Updates!
*Parents who have signed up to be parent volunteers are required to have a name badge and background check. The background check can be done for free at the district office. You MUST have the background check done in order to volunteer. If you are still interested, please notify me when it is done.  So sorry for the inconvenience.
*Just a reminder for students who bring a home lunch that they need to make sure and put their lunch bag/box by the mud room door, so that when the bell rings to come back inside, they can quickly pick up their lunch bag/box and put it back inside the mud room before class begins again.
*I am still working on making a final decision about the AR points. I will have that decision to you by next week. I just want to make sure I am providing an attainable challenge for students and their reading.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back To School Night Extras!

Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to come to Back To School Night! It was so wonderful to see you there! I wanted to give a few more reminders on a couple of things I did not speak about that were in the packet. 

On the Planner Sheet for each week, there is a Paragraph Of The Week Assignment. Students will be practicing the writing process each week and producing a well written paragraph. Please make sure they have completed this assignment along with the other assignments listed on the planner sheet. 

In addition, if you still want to donate pencils, lined paper, glue sticks, or pencil cap erasers, we can use them!

Volunteers, I am planning on having you start next week, so you can work that time into your schedule. 

One final reminder I have is that there is a field trip on Friday to the County Fair! Please sign and return the permission slip ASAP! 

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Newsletter!

Math: 5th: We will be taking a math pretest to assess student skills. We will do a basic review of fractions. Our Envision topics include: Place Value, Tenths and Hundredths, Thousandths, Decimal Place Value, Comparing and Ordering Decimals, Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern
        6th: We will be taking a math pretest to assess student skills. We will do a basic review of fractions. Our Envision topics include: Place Value, Comparing and ordering whole numbers, Exponents and place value, Decimal place value, Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000, Comparing and ordering decimals, Problem Solving: Make and organized list
Spelling/Vocabulary: Our first spelling and vocabulary lists will be given the week of August 26-30. Our bonus word will be chosen by Mrs. George.
Reading: We will begin our reading basals and work on fluency and comprehension. I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets.
Language Arts: We will begin work in our English Text. We will learn about kinds of sentences, subjects and predicates, and imperatives and interrogatives
Writing: We will begin work on our Paragraph Of The Week assignment. We will discuss the writing process, and do an overview of the 6 plus one traits.

*Please make sure to sign and return ALL necessary paperwork.
*We will have a bus training on Mon. August 19, to go over proper bus behavior and policies.
*Our first Dibels test will be Tuesday August 20th.
*Back to School Night will be August 20th at 6:00! If you have questions/concerns, I will be happy to answer/address them!
*We will be doing student reading assessments on August 19, 20, and 21. Students will dismiss school at 12:00, and return for their scheduled test appointment time.
*We will have a school field trip on August 23 to the Beaver County Fair. We will leave the school at 10:00, and return to school just in time for lunch!
*There is a Character Ed assembly tentatively scheduled August 29 at 2:15. Students will be learning about RESPECT.
*Labor Day is Sept. 2. NO School on this day!
Spotlight: We will spotlight ________ on 8/21, and ________ on 8/23. You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me Graphic Organizer to share with the class!
News: I will do a news example on 8/20. _____ will have news on 8/27.
Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Welcome to our class blog! Please sign up as a follower or enter your e-mail into the box below to follow by e-mail. Our blog will send you an e-mail notice each time there is a new post! I will be posting our first newsletter soon!