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Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Newsletter!

Math: 5th: We will be taking a math pretest to assess student skills. We will do a basic review of fractions. Our Envision topics include: Place Value, Tenths and Hundredths, Thousandths, Decimal Place Value, Comparing and Ordering Decimals, Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern
        6th: We will be taking a math pretest to assess student skills. We will do a basic review of fractions. Our Envision topics include: Place Value, Comparing and ordering whole numbers, Exponents and place value, Decimal place value, Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000, Comparing and ordering decimals, Problem Solving: Make and organized list
Spelling/Vocabulary: Our first spelling and vocabulary lists will be given the week of August 26-30. Our bonus word will be chosen by Mrs. George.
Reading: We will begin our reading basals and work on fluency and comprehension. I will be reading with the 6th grade and Mrs. Thomas will be reading with the 5th grade. Make sure your student is doing 20 min of reading Sun-Thurs with a short summary on their planner sheets.
Language Arts: We will begin work in our English Text. We will learn about kinds of sentences, subjects and predicates, and imperatives and interrogatives
Writing: We will begin work on our Paragraph Of The Week assignment. We will discuss the writing process, and do an overview of the 6 plus one traits.

*Please make sure to sign and return ALL necessary paperwork.
*We will have a bus training on Mon. August 19, to go over proper bus behavior and policies.
*Our first Dibels test will be Tuesday August 20th.
*Back to School Night will be August 20th at 6:00! If you have questions/concerns, I will be happy to answer/address them!
*We will be doing student reading assessments on August 19, 20, and 21. Students will dismiss school at 12:00, and return for their scheduled test appointment time.
*We will have a school field trip on August 23 to the Beaver County Fair. We will leave the school at 10:00, and return to school just in time for lunch!
*There is a Character Ed assembly tentatively scheduled August 29 at 2:15. Students will be learning about RESPECT.
*Labor Day is Sept. 2. NO School on this day!
Spotlight: We will spotlight ________ on 8/21, and ________ on 8/23. You may send a class snack to share that day; however, this is optional. Please make sure to complete the All About Me Graphic Organizer to share with the class!
News: I will do a news example on 8/20. _____ will have news on 8/27.
Please feel free to visit our class blog at to keep up to date on things happening in the classroom and at school.
For questions or concerns please call, e-mail, or come into the classroom!      Phone: 386-2822

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